Antiques hold extreme value and history, which is why they must be sold through specialized auctions, such as at Business Name Auction Services or other similar platforms. Although it’s possible to sell antiques online and at pawn shops, there are various benefits of selling at auctions.
Seamless Valuing Process
Getting the antiques valued at an auction is a seamless and quick process, even if the seller cannot drop by at the auction house. In addition, the well-reputed auction houses have profit-oriented valuing processes to ensure sellers get the best value.
Instant Contract Exchange
Selling antiques in Calgary through auctions is perfect for people who cannot go through tons of documentation and multiple appointments. This is because the contracts are pre-prepared, and the missives are added with the hammer’s fall, resulting in quick sales.
Secure Deposit
The successful bidder has to pay a 10% nonrefundable deposit at the auction, and the purchaser cannot withdraw from the purchase without losing the deposit, making it a secure option for the seller.
Competitive Bidding
As long as the sale prices are set realistically, it will attract the bidders and buyers, resulting in competitive bidding. Also, it ensures that the seller gets the best price.
Quick Completion
Selling antiques in Calgary also has a quick completion benefit, which reduces the carrying costs, including maintenance costs and taxes. Generally, the sales completion period is set at 28 days, and auction sales actually help avoid the delays in this completion period.