Get That Old School Wooden Boat Floor Look Without the Rot and Water Damage

by | May 5, 2022 | Boat Service

Boats from the 1920s to the 1950s had beautiful details that really made them stand out. They were luxury boats before luxury boats were a thing. Unfortunately for most of these classic and vintage old boats, the wood flooring in them rotted away. Owners could not prevent the eventual rot that comes with getting a lot of water on deck. Saltwater was even worse because it would leave behind abrasive grit in the wood when the water evaporated.

It doesn’t mean you can’t have that old school wood flooring look in your boat, though. Teak flooring and teak decking are now made from products that will not rot, no matter what kind of water they are exposed to. They aren’t wood, but once installed, they really look like wood.

Teak Decking

These are faux planks installed on your deck that are a composite foam and waterproof material. They make your boat look like it has actual wood flooring in it, even though it does not. The rich, warm, teak color really enhances your boat and gives it a luxury look.

Teak Flooring

Slightly different from teak decking, teak flooring consists of individual floor pads in the teak color. These are useful for adding “wood” accents where traditional teak wood would look really nice. If you can’t afford the full decking experience, these flooring accents are just as nice.

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