What to Expect from Your Loved One’s Cremation Service

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Cremation Service

Cremation in Lafayette is getting increasingly popular choice for families looking for an affordable yet respectful way to bury their loved ones. But the process can seem like an intimidating mystery if you do not know what is involved.

Here are the basics of what to expect from cremation, step-by-step:

The body is identified, and cremation is authorized.

Before any burial process can happen, identification and authorization are mandatory. If you or your loved one have arranged for this service ahead of time, this step will likely already be taken care of. Once a medical examiner has released the body for burial, your local funeral home can begin the process right away.

The body is prepared and placed into the cremation chamber.

Once the funeral home or cremation provider has received your loved one’s body, it will be prepared for the service you agreed on. This might involve preparing the body for viewing or placing it straight into a special box that will go directly into the cremation chamber. Which route your provider takes will depend on whether your family has decided to have a public viewing or a traditional funeral before cremation.

If you have decided to forgo the traditional funeral service, your loved one will probably have a direct cremation. This means that their body will be placed into a shroud or box, then placed into the cremation chamber.

Your family receives the retained remains.

Once the cremation itself is over, you have several options. One of the most popular is to simply receive the cremated remains, or cremains, and take them home. From there, you can hold your own small, private memorial gathering, spread the ashes somewhere, or display the urn or box holding them in your home.

Another option is to have a cremation service, which is another name for a nontraditional graveside service for a cremated loved one. In this type of service, loved ones gather to memorialize the deceased before interring the cremated remains into the ground or a mausoleum. Many burial sites now have specialty sections dedicated to burying cremated remains, so be sure to check with your local sites before choosing a cremation service in Lafayette. If you find yourself confused or needing assistance, reach out to the staff at Queen of Heaven Cemetery & Funeral Center today.

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