The Advantages of Starting with Nursery Plants vs. Seeds in Your Vegetable Garden

by | Mar 6, 2024 | Nursery

Start from seed? Or purchase nursery starts?

That’s the dilemma new vegetable gardeners face. Fact is, there’s no wrong choice. However, nursery plants offer some advantages worth considering when planning your first food garden.

Here’s what you should know:

Get a Jumpstart on the Growing Season

Starting with nursery plants puts your garden weeks ahead of gardens grown from seed. Mature seedlings adapt readily when transplanted, accelerating growth towards harvest time. This makes nursery starts ideal for northern regions with shorter growing seasons.

Better Plant Survival Rate

Transplant shock and diseases plague delicate sprouted seeds, often ending hopes for a bountiful harvest. Nursery plants have survived the most vulnerable early stage under optimal conditions. Their heartier natures better withstand transplanting or adverse weather, ensuring greater success for the novice gardener.

More Varieties Available

A nursery that offers greenhouse plants in Morton Grove, IL, should have a much bigger collection of heirloom and hybrid varieties. Trying uncommon or specialized vegetable varieties requires sourcing rare seeds unlikely to be stocked at the corner store. Nursery staff can recommend suitable plants for your site and growing zone.

Convenience and Efficiency

Starting from seed demands time and dedicated space many beginners lack. Nursery plants, though, eliminate the need for grow lights and seed trays cluttering limited home space. For small gardens, purchasing robust young plants represents the most efficient use of valuable plot real estate.

Immediate Visual Appeal

Unlike the waiting game posed by sowing seeds, nursery veggie starts deliver instant garden gratification. Seeing plants flowering and fruiting shortly after transplanting boosts confidence while creating beauty even during the garden’s early establishment.

Reduced Failure Risk

Succeeding with vegetables often involves some failed experiments – plants that never germinate or succumb to challenges unseen by novice eyes. Avoid wasting seeds and time on crops poorly suited to your growing conditions or gardening skill level. Start with nursery plants first before venturing into seeds.

While seeds present a rewarding challenge for some gardeners, purchasing quality nursery plants better ensures a bountiful first harvest. Support local growers while giving your plants – and confidence – the best start possible. After enjoying homegrown success, you may find yourself tempted to try growing new varieties from seed next season!

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