Myth-busting Cremation: The Truth Behind the Misconceptions

by | Apr 4, 2024 | Cremation Service

Although cremation has become an extremely popular burial option in the last few decades, it is still widely misunderstood. Here are a few of the biggest myths regarding cremation—and the truth behind them.

Myth: Cremation Costs are the Same Everywhere

This is untrue. Cremation is typically much less expensive than traditional preparation for burial, but the cost of this process can vary widely. Before committing to the process for your loved one, be sure to research cremation costs near Antioch so you can budget properly.

Myth: You Cannot Be Cremated if You Are Catholic

While it is true that the Catholic Church still urges believers to be buried traditionally, when possible, the church has not banned cremation since 1963. As long as Catholic funeral rites, such as the funerary mass and interment into a consecrated space, are still followed, the faithful are free to be cremated.

Myth: You Cannot Cremate Someone Who Died from COVID-19.

The coronavirus pandemic was a frightening and uncertain time. Rules and regulations were put into place to protect people before vaccinations were available and the disease was well understood. In some places, this included advice against cremation, since scientists worried that this might make the virus airborne and endanger those preparing the body.

We now know that this is not the case. If your loved one passed away from COVID-19, they are eligible for cremation just as anyone else in your area would be.

Myth: You Can Scatter Cremated Remains Anywhere

When we think of cremation, we often think of the scattering of ashes in significant places for the decedent or their loved ones. However, this is not legal everywhere. In fact, many places, including bodies of water, have strict regulations or even prohibitions regarding scattering cremated remains. Before scattering, be sure to check with private or public administrators to learn more about these rules and regulations.

If you find yourself confused or needing assistance, reach out to the staff at Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Center. They have the resources to help you and a deep understanding of exactly what you are dealing with.

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