Four Types of Waste Found During Biohazard Cleanup in Oregon

by | Nov 7, 2019 | Business

Biohazard waste is a type of waste that is unsafe for the general population to handle. If you have any of the following types of messes that need cleaning up, then you should call for professional biohazard cleanup in Oregon. You’ll be safer if you do, and the job will get done right the first time.

Liquid Waste

Bio hazardous waste in this category includes all bodily fluids of both humans and animals. Liquid bio hazards are particularly dangerous because they may contain high concentrations of toxins and viruses that can quickly cause sicknesses. On top of that, liquid bio hazards are challenging to handle and clean, which is why you should have a professional handle any messes of you have of this nature.

Solid Waste

Solid bio hazardous waste refers to objects that have come into contact with bio hazardous materials. Due to the contact, these objects, which could be anything from latex gloves to clothing, are transformed into bio hazardous materials and should be disposed of using professional bio hazard cleanup in Oregon.

Pathological Waste

This type of waste includes discarded biological material. Human organs, tissue and other parts of the body are all considered pathological waste once they have been removed from the body. Additionally, discarded biological materials from animals also fall under the category of pathological waste.

Sharp Waste

Sharp bio hazard waste includes any waste with an edge or point that has come into contact with bio hazardous material. For example, used syringes count as sharp bio hazardous waste as well as razor blades and knives with blood or other bodily fluids on them. Items such as these are hazardous and should be handled by professionals.

Bio hazard cleanup in Oregon is dangerous and requires professionals with specialized skills, experience, and equipment. If you have a bio hazardous mess on your hands, let the professionals take care of it, so it gets done safely and right the first time.

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