Moving from a traditional hosting service to a cloud-based platform is one of the most effective ways to position your business for current and future growth. The cost and time associated with either on-site server maintenance or trying to struggle with traditional hosting services offset the cost of migrating to cloud computing solutions.
There are many different reasons a business chooses this option. The following five factors are considerations that apply to any type of company of any size.
Cloud Options
There are many different cloud types and solutions to consider. Public clouds are very secure and practical for most businesses. For additional security, private or hybrid clouds are an ideal option. For highly secure types of industries, specialized clouds are available that are configured with industry security and operational requirements.
Secure Data Storage and Transmission
Two-factor authentication, full end-to-end encryption, and the ability to manage all access to data stored or transmitted in the cloud make this a highly secure platform. Authorized users with approved devices can access the information from anywhere with an internet connection, limiting the need to share files through less secure email or other file sharing options.
Data Backup and Disaster Recovery
Full protection of the data stored in the cloud and the ability to avoid any downtime even in the event of a disaster makes this a wise choice for any business. Redundancies across the cloud keep essential functions operating without the end-users recognizing any disruption in service.
Cost Savings
Cloud computing solutions are pay as you go, which means you only pay for what you use, saving the business money over purchasing packages from traditional hosting services.
Scalability and Flexibility
The cloud is virtually limitless in scalability and flexibility for your business. Work with a top cloud computing solutions provider to maximize the potential to automate and improve your business.
Business Name has offered cloud computing solutions to help businesses reach their fullest brand potential. View their website for additional information.