Tips on Choosing the Right Generator

by | Aug 21, 2017 | Business

How do you get an autostart generator installed for your home? There are essentially two ways to make this happen. One is to call a professional company and the other is to try and wire it yourself. The right option depends on the needs of the person in question.

Wire in a Standby

An electrician can wire the emergency backup generator into the circuit board of your home so that when the power fails, your entire home switches to use the power supply of the automatic standby generator. Setting up a whole house generator with a transfer switch is easy for a trained professional. Generators in Chicago can be installed in under a day, and the process is pretty straight-forward.

Set up a Portable

A simpler way is to run an extension cord from the automatic standby generator to the electrical appliances you need during a power outage. This works well for portable units, but is not going to work for a permanent standby unit. This is a portable and temporary solution. For example, if you want only your refrigerator, your cell phone and one small appliance to work for a day, this option is best for you.

Installing a Good Unit

If you choose an automatic backup generator with a power of 240 volts or more, hire an electrician to install it for you. Read your user manual carefully and care for it as shown. Before starting your autostart generator, it is important that the electrical network in your home is switched off. Also automatic transfer switches are used to make the back charge safe for power workers. Take care of your generator in the proper way and you will see the difference that this can make for your life. For example, if you need your well pump and stove both working, the generator can supply both at the same time during a crisis.

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