Benefits of Using Keystone in Doral

by | Feb 11, 2022 | Business

Keystone is designed to complement stucco or stone treatment. In the majority of cases, it is used to add a focal point to doors and windows, which improves the overall aesthetics. It’s safe to say that keystone can add architectural flair to any building, but there are many other benefits.

Variety of Colors

Keystone in Doral is available in multiple colors to make sure everyone can use it to match the design of their buildings. Some of the commonly available colors include champagne, taupe, grey, and brown. Also, Caribbean Coral and Marble Corp. have it in dark gray and black, which is suitable for commercial buildings.

Flexible Designs

There are usually standard designs of keystone in Doral, which are suitable for window heads. However, various companies offer customized services with which they create bespoke designs to meet your needs. This is because keystones can be shaped and cut into different arch radii, making them design flexible. In addition to customized shapes, keystone can also be carved to create a unique addition to the structure.

Balancing Properties

Keystones are usually installed on the window heads or on top of the arches. The arches need keystone for supporting the heavy weight of the arch stones, which is why it’s installed in the center. It’s important to add that the arches aren’t capable of balancing themselves until the keystone is installed. Having said that, it’s clear that keystone is responsible for strength and balance distribution in the arches.

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