Safety Measures for Workers in an Oilfield Chemical Solutions Company

by | Aug 25, 2022 | Business

The oilfield chemical solutions industry employees face the highest risk of workplace injuries and fatalities. It is important to have safety measures in their workplaces to minimize risk and promote a healthy working environment. Safety practices workers should employ include.

Team Up with Emergency Response Teams

Oilfield workers should establish and maintain a relationship with local emergency response teams. They should ensure a consistent flow of information to keep the organizations up to date with the site proceedings. Constant communication ensures emergency responders such as ambulances, rigging companies, and fire and evacuation companies stay ready to handle emergencies promptly and efficiently.

Familiarity with Worksites

Each worker should have clear roles and understand the possible dangers, safety precautions, and how to handle an emergency. Workers should all be qualified and licensed to work in their designated areas and have the necessary gear. Workers should communicate the required procedures well during shift changes and to new workers.

Clear Visual Communication

In an oilfield chemical company, miscommunication poses great danger. All signs and labels that show safety instructions and danger signs should be clear and legible. Custom signs should be communicated to specific worksites and crew, and any worn-out, outdated, or illegible signs should be replaced. Make sure all floor markings are frequently reapplied.

Machine Maintenance

When offering oilfield chemical solutions, ensure you conduct regular machine maintenance to prevent machine failure. Any equipment on site should be fully functional and withstand extreme temperatures, grease, and grime. Work areas, floors, and pathways should be clean and clear of clutter to avoid trips and falls. Wipe any spillage immediately it occurs to prevent slipping on wet surfaces.

For a full-service suite of oilfield chemical solutions, contact Flatirons Chemicals.

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