Advantages of Professional NYC Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Service

by | Feb 6, 2023 | Pet Services

It’s time to plan to find a professional if you leave your dog locked indoors in your New York apartment all day. Below are the advantages of hiring a dog walking in NYC professional.

Individualized Attention

Professional dog walkers love pets and want them to benefit from their service. They create a personalized schedule for your pet. Your dog’s long moments with an expert walker leave it mentally stimulated and healthy. The walker ensures that your pet receives adequate attention the entire day.


There are many dog walkers in the city, but your pet is safer in the hands of a professional dog walking in Manhattan service. They create adequate time for providing each pet under their care a decent walk. Most of the walking happens outdoors in a safe environment with minimal vehicle and human traffic for dogs to breathe fresh air.

Pet services screen and comprehensively train their walkers before allowing them to walk any pet. Your mind is relaxed when you know the person walking your pet follows strict protocols set by seasoned walkers during training.

Monitoring Technology

A dog walking in NYC service provider uses technology such as apps. An app helps you track the dog’s location and hold the walker more accountable. You also receive important updates on how the dog behaved on the day. For instance, you get updates on when it went to the bathroom and where it took it for a walk.

Call for More Details

NY Tails provides caring pet sitting and dog walking in Manhattan and New York City. They are dedicated to giving love and attention to pets under their care. Call 212-706-9560 or visit them for more information.

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