Common Tasks Associated With Cleaning Crime Scenes in Washington

by | Mar 23, 2022 | Business

If you want to get involved with crime scenes but don’t want to process the scene itself to determine what happened, then consider helping with the cleanup process. Here are a few things to keep in mind about what the technicians do while they are at various scenes.

Not Just Crimes

While deaths associated with murders and other crimes are part of the process of crime scene cleanup in Washington, there are other scenes that are cleaned as well. These include any unattended death situation where someone dies alone as well as scenes where someone commits suicide. Technicians can also offer assistance with other biohazard removals, such as when tear gas is used by officers.

Past the Body

While safely removing a body during crime scene cleanup in Washington, the process often stretches farther than the body itself. There are usually odors that need to be removed from the scene and from the rest of the building, removing bedding and possibly flooring, and removing items that could have even the smallest amount of blood on them so that there isn’t a risk for contamination.


There’s a variety of equipment used when cleaning a crime scene. Technicians usually have to wear a biohazard suit that covers everything from the head to the toes so that the skin and clothes are protected. A mask is usually worn along with goggles and gloves. HEPA filters are often used to help with the smells that could be at the scene along with air scrubbers and hydroxyl generators.

Learn more about the cleanup process at crime scenes by contacting Bio Management Northwest at

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