Diesel Fuel Lubricity Additives: Exactness Is Imperative

by | Nov 14, 2022 | Business

In North America, legislation has set standards for sulfur diesel fuels. Low-sulfur diesel fuels increase the wear in distributor injection pumps if lubricity additives are not added. The additives are designed specifically to address specific problems associated with diesel fuel. While wear is a major concern, such additives, whether neutral or acidic, help to extend the service life of the engine. In doing so, they avoid the problems created by filter clogging and the depositing of unwanted materials within the system.

Exactitude is Essential

If you want to protect the total diesel fuel system, you need to ensure the base oil contains the right level of lubricity additives. The fine tolerances of the various components contained within a diesel fuel injection system are extremely sensitive. If you misjudge the lubricity level by even ten-thousands of an inch either over or under the required level, you can create a bad situation.

If lubricity is too low, the lubrication of the fuel system will not reach the levels required. As a result, the perceived life of diesel fuel injectors and high-pressure pumps will be shortened. The components, while exhibiting no outward indications of any issues, will continue to function until the pump fails to operate and/or the engine refuses to start.

Diesel Fuel Lubricity Additives: A Smart Choice

Lubricity additives are improvers. They act to prevent the impairment of diesel engines. However, choosing a fuel lacking the proper type and level of lubricity can result in serious damage. This increases overall costs and hinders optimal productivity.

Click here for more information about Lubricity Additives

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