Different Types of Security Cameras and Their Outstanding Features in Bowling Green KY

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Fire and Security

Security cameras in Bowling Green, KY, are used to provide security in residential and business premises. The cameras have outstanding features that are closely tied to the purpose for which they are meant to function. Some of the most common cameras include; internal static dome cameras, high-speed pan, tilt, and zoom dome cameras, infrared cameras, anti-vandal cameras, full 1080p high-resolution cameras, external fixed cameras, cover cameras, dummy cameras, and IP cameras.

Security Camera That Derive Their Names from Their Housing

With a dome-shaped security camera in Bowling Green, KY, you will be able to focus on areas that require more security without alerting intruders to the exact location where the camera is pointing. This will keep away intruders, as they are not sure whether the camera is recording their activities or not. The dome housing is mainly used where the camera needs to be concealed. Discreet or conversion cameras are designed to look like motion sensors, smoke detectors, or stationary house additions. Due to their discreet shape, they achieve aesthetic value when installed in specific locations. All types of housing withstand different unfriendly environments, but they capture images as clearly as other security cameras.

Utilize Security Cameras That Draw Their Name from Their Positioning

Fixed cameras are stationed at a stationary position. They are installed in a way that enables them to capture images from the intended direction. The cameras can either be found on the exterior or interior of the premises. You can try PTZ cameras, which are a type of security camera that can tilt, zoom, and pan in any direction. They have gears and motors that the operator remotely moves to zoom into an object or person within a specified area.

Specific Features Which Determine the Name of Cameras

High-resolution cameras capture fine details, but they require more processing power and space to store the images. Some cameras have capabilities that allow them to switch between night and day depending on the amount of light available. Infrared cameras have their light so they can capture images even when it is dark. Sonitrol Security of Louisville offers cameras depending on your needs. Visit the web for more details.

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