Take Advantage of Your Well Log Data for Better Drilling Management

by | Sep 27, 2022 | Oil and Gas Exploration Service

Well logs provide valuable insights into subsurface as well as drilling performance and efficiency. Accurately interpreting this data is critical to optimizing the current operations, ensuring better management and successfully executing future drilling operations. Put simply, well log data allows you to easily identify oil locations and determine the best spot to increase production.

See” and Analyze the Subsurface

Well log data enables you to analyze subsurface conditions which reduces uncertainty. To ensure reliable characterization of reservoir conditions, you can choose a range of methods to build a picture, including electrical, radioactive, acoustic, and other special well logs. These methods allow you to define the rock formations, properties, and types to help you determine the best drilling area and methods. With this data, engineers can calculate density, porosity, water and oil saturation, resistivity, shale volume, and permeability as well as other factors, and log this information for current and future use. All of which allows you to make the optimal decision regarding your operations.

Developing the Most Effective Strategy

To effectively plan drilling operations at reduced cost without sacrificing production, your engineers need to know about storage and flow capacity within the reservoir, rock distribution and thickness as well as porosity and permeability distribution. Your well log data, drilling data, production and historical geological information allow your team to develop the most effective strategy to optimize production. With the right software, engineers can create 3D images of the subsurface structure to enhance their analysis further and produce even better results.

Integrating Well Log Data with 3D Imaging

To help engineers work more efficiently. Bardasz has implemented an integrated solution that pairs well log data with 3D imaging technology. As a result, engineers can better analyze the data from well logs and improve drilling management to boost productivity and reduce the risk of costly errors. By adopting this technology, your drilling operations will benefit from more accurate analyses that allow for cost-effective planning to ensure you reach oil according to the plan.

To find out how we can help maximize your well log data to improve drilling management, visit our website.

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