If you think that SDRs are just a passing phase, then you definitely want to think again. In fact, the future of SDR radios and everything they are capable of looks to be very bright. There are many reasons why this is so.
Common Platform
Since SDRs all share a common platform, new products can be launched very quickly without an undue delay to either the retail seller or the end user. Since the platform is shared, this also means that the software is able to be re-used without causing production costs to dramatically rise.
Instant Fixes
Any reprogramming that needs to be performed can be done remotely in an “over the air” fashion. This leads to less downtime that needs to occur, and in many cases eliminates downtime completely.
New Features
There is also the fact that features can be added with a negligible amount of capital expenditure. This allows service providers to be able to “future-proof” their products and not have to worry about spending inordinate amounts of money for upgrades and such.
Combined Logistical Support
Due to the fact that the platforms are combined, others is a reduced need for logistical support. This is mainly because you do not need to have different plans for different platforms, everything can be devised from one base solution.
Remote Downloads
Any software upgrades to the SDR radios are done strictly in a remote fashion. This not only saves time but actually increases the capacity of which the upgrades are capable.
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