More companies are moving away from in-person sales training to virtual sales coaching. With more employees working remotely, virtual training sessions offer more value and ensure everyone can attend. Hosting sales coaching sessions online provides excellent value to businesses, helping them arm their sales team with valuable resources and information.
Higher Retention Rate
Studies show that virtual sales coaching ensures a higher retention rate than in-person sessions. Your sales team will remember more information presented immediately following the training session and for months afterward. Many employees forget things almost immediately after leaving an in-person training session.
An Engaging Approach
One reason for the higher retention rate is because virtual sales coaching offers an engaging approach to learning. Trainers often implement interactive elements into their sessions, allowing employees to put lessons into practice before heading back to work. They can ask questions and get answers explaining anything they may not understand. It is a valuable method to ensure employees take helpful information away from the training sessions.
Spread Out Learning
In-person training sessions often cram too much information into one session due to time and cost. Virtual sales coaching, on the other hand, makes it easier to hold multiple sessions to break down learning into more manageable sections. You can focus on one topic at a time, giving your employees time to absorb and practice what they know before moving on to something new.
If you’re interested in virtual sales coaching for your team, visit The Sales Coaching Institute to learn more about their programs.