What a Personal Tax Accountant Can Do For You

by | Jun 5, 2023 | Accounting

Many people are intimidated by their personal taxes when it comes to tax time. They are unsure if they are doing them correctly, if they are taking the deductions they should be taking and more. Learn how a personal tax accountant can help and what he or she can do for you below.

What is a Personal Tax Accountant?

A personal tax accountant in Staten Island, NY and elsewhere is a type of tax accountant that specializes in helping individuals file their personal tax returns properly and correctly to the IRS, as well as to state and local governments in order to ensure they are in legal compliance regarding filing their taxes. They will also help to ensure you gain back the maximum amount of deductions you can legally take to help reduce your tax liability and only pay the most you have to legally pay.

Some Things Such an Accountant Can Do For You

There are several things such an accountant can do for you. They can do bookkeeping of your personal finances, including keeping track of your personal loans, credit cards, travel expenses, utility bills, mortgage payments, and other payments to ensure you are aware of how much you are spending and to see if any of those payments can be used as deductions off of the taxes you owe.

An accountant can also fill out all of the tax forms you are required to file. They know the tax laws and know how they apply when your tax situation becomes more complex with multiple streams of income, multiple savings accounts and IRAs, one or more home-based businesses, and other challenging situations that can complicate your personal taxes.

Staten Island Tax Services provides quality quality personal tax accountants in Staten Island, NY and the surrounding areas. See how they can help you prepare your taxes and secure your financial stability at web.

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