How to Increase the Safety of Seniors’ Matchmaking First Dates

by | Jan 23, 2017 | Matchmaking

When you’re working closely within a one-to-one matchmaking process, you can trust a reputable service guarantee for safety, as 100% reliable. Nevertheless, however much your matchmaker screens candidates, there are still several actions you can take to increase your levels of safety as you seek to meet similar educated retired seniors, until you are sure that you can relax your contingency plans.

Suggest A Daytime Date

When you and your prospective dates are both active retired seniors, you can agree to a lunchtime date or even a morning, brunch, meeting. Although your diary may still be busy after retirement, organizing to meet during the day is almost always safer than meeting after dark.

Wherever you choose for your first or second date, more people are likely to be around than in the evening. You can also have a perfect excuse to get away early if the date is not going as well as you hoped. Always have a fixed appointment in your diary that you know can always be moved, but your matchmaking date will just have to accept.

Tell Your Friends

Most dates will understand that despite meeting with upscale retired seniors in Orlando, you should still tell your friends where you are going and when they should expect to hear from you again.

There is nothing wrong with telling other educated retired seniors that you are going to text your friend and tell them that you have arrived safely. They will expect you to have told their friends about the meeting. Instead of having to make difficult justifications for needing to visit the bathroom so soon, to send your secret text, you can send your message right there, in front of your date.

This sends the communication to your date, that you are in contact with your friends and you have let them know that you are safe and when you will need to send another message, to update them with your situation.

Meeting a relative stranger out, for the first few dates, as opposed to visiting their home, can become even safer if you agree to meet during the day and update your friends, with your date in full knowledge of your actions.

What safety tips can you suggest?

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